Industry Open Day

Wednesday May 22nd, 3pm - 5.30pm

University of Limerick

Event Information

What is it?

Immersive Software Engineering is an award-winning, four-year integrated Masters that puts practical experience for exceptional students at its core. We designed the programme with industry leaders like Stripe, Intercom, META, and AWS.  The work experience elements are modelled closely on what you may see in medical education. Students undertake five “Residency” placements over the course of the four-year programme. In total students spend over 40% of their time on the course “Learning by Doing” embedded in ISE partner companies 

During this event aimed at companies who may be interested in becoming Residency Partners, you will get the chance to meet with some of our students along with representatives from our current Residency Partner companies, to learn more about how partnering with ISE will be of benefit to your company.

Who is it for?

The event is aimed at companies and businesses who are interested in mentoring and developing the next generation of software engineers while experiencing tangible business benefits. Current and prospective ISE Residency Parnter Companies are welcome to attend.

What do our current Residency Partners say?
Provisional Agenda (subject to change):
2.45 – 3.15:Registration/Tea/Coffee/Networking
3.15 – 3.30:Welcome and overview of ISE
3.30 – 3.45:Student Presentations – Residency Experiences
3.45 – 3.50:Dogpatch/NDRC Presentation
3.50 – 4.00:Collaborate with ISE: How to Become an ISE Residency Partner
4.00 – 4.10:R@ISE – Research at Immersive Software Engineering
4.10 – 4.30:Further Collaboration Opportunities with UL (Nexus/ Lero)
4.30 – 5.00:Panel Discussion with Current ISE Partner Companies
5.00 – 5.30:Close & Networking

Registration is now open!

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